Rekacija muškarca kada mu je supruga saopštila da je trudna poslije petnaeszt godin a šokušavanja.,.

Bri i Stiven Ovens su petznaesz godina u braku ali djece nisu imali.

U tih petnaest godina usvojili su četvero djece i supruga je nakon toliko godina

saznala da je trudna.

Odlučila je da snimi rekaciju supruga kada mu saopšti novost.

Bri je počela zadirkivati supruga o mogućnosti da ostane trudna što je on nazvao ludim.

Odmah nakon toga ona mu je saopštila da je ranije radila test trudnoće koji je pozitivan.

Malo je prošlo a njemu su od sreće suze krenule same niz lice.

Upitao je suprugu da li je to neka šala.


This was not on my 2023 bingo card. Or my lifetime bingo card. We were never told by doctors we couldn’t get pregnant, but it’s been 14 years and it’s never happened. And honestly, I was very ok with not birthing any of my children (and am pretty scared of pregnancy and giving birth), plus, after William, we thought our family was definitely complete. (We have 4 children through foster/adoption, ages 8, 7, 4 and 7 months) However, I’ll just say, God has other plans and they are wild and crazy! We’re still processing it, but are thrilled, excited, and overwhelmed. We find out the gender on Tuesday and I can’t wait to be able to properly nest! This will be our first child that we have more than a week to prepare for 🫠🤗 Baby…you’re in for a crazy ride once you’re here, and we can’t wait! BACKSTORY to the video: we had started joking I was pregnant halfway through August because (sorrry if TMI…) my boobs hurt really badly. Then around when I would have started my period, it was a day late (VERY rare for me). But since our month was literally one of the toughest we’ve had, we thought it was stress related. So this was me knowing I was pregnant and joking about “what if”.

♬ original sound – brie_owens